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Historical Harlan Documents

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List of documents

George (#3) & Elizabeth's Marriage Certificate

Through the efforts of William Marion Harlan (MO) and Arthur Chapman (Portadown, Northern Ireland), a copy of the marriage certificate of George Harland and Elizabeth Duck was obtained. Notice that the day of the marriage in September is the twenty-seventh day instead of the seventeen day of 1678, as printed in Alpheus Harlan's The History and Genealogy of the Harlan Family

To obtain a copy of the certificate, it was necessary to receive written permission from the local Society of Friends. Then Arthur Chapman, with permission in hand, went to the Public Records Office in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where the certificate is on file. Those who went on the Ireland part of the 1994 Harlan Family tour will remember that Mr. Chapman was among those who greeted the group at the Friends Meeting House in Lurgan. 

Thanks go to both Marion Harlan and Arthur Chapman for their efforts. Below is the handwritten copy, recorded on page 91 of the Marriage Book of the Lurgan Monthly Meeting, and then Marion's "translation" of the text.

George Harland in the parish of Donnahlong in ye County of Down 
and Elizabeth Duck of Lurgan in ye parish of Shankill and County of Armagh, 
having intentions of marriage (according to God's ordinance) did lay their 
said intentions before ye men and womens meetings who taking it into 
their considerations, desired they waite a time in which time several 
Friends were appointed to make enquiry in ye several places where their 
residences are or of later years have been wheather ye man is free of all 
other women, and ye woman free from all other men and wheather their 
relations and parents are satisfied with their said intentions. 
     And they presenting themselves the second time before ye men and 
womens meeting and an account being brought to ye meeting, where all 
things being found clear and their intentions of marriage being several 
times published in ye meeting to which they do belong, and nothing 
appearing against it. 
     A meeting of ye people of God was appointed at the house of Marke 
Wright in ye parish of Shankill on the twenty seventh day of ye ninth 
month anno 1678, where they being contracted the said George Harland 
declared publickly and solemnly in the presence of God, and of his people 
in these vows, I take Elizabeth Duck to be my wife, and said Elizabeth 
Duck declared in like manner, I give myselfe to George Harland to be his 
wife and I take him to be my husband, as witness our hands. 
                                                                         George Harland 
                                                                         Elizabeth Harland 
                                                                              1   6    7   8 
Daniel Stamper 
George Bullock 
John Wright 
Henry Hollingsworth 
John Calvart 
Francis Hillary 
Alexander Noble 
George Lowder 
Roger Kirk
Timothy Kirk 
Alphonsus Kirk 
William Crook 
Deborah Kirk 
Elinor Hoope 
Robert Hoope 
Thomas Harland 
Bridgett Harland 
Marke Wright 
Ezekell Bullock 
Wm. Porter 
Michel Scaife 
Ann Hodghson 
Ann Peirson 
Thomas Atkinson 
Mary Walker 
Mary Rea 
Elinor Greer 

William Harlan's Record

This document was scanned from an old book which has been passed down through generations. It starts with William Harlan # 474 and his son, David Kimbrough Harlan # 1732 who purchased the book for $6.00 in 1841. It then went to his son, Demetrius Harlan # 4748, who gave the book to his son, Harmon Sylvanius Harlan # 9680 who passed in on to his daughter, Mildred Grace Harlan, then to her son, Maurice Thomas Goudeau, and finally to me, Karol S. Goudeau Fitzgerald. I believe these pages are of significant importance as hand written documentation of names, dates of births and deaths, starting with William Harlan.

George's (#672) Letter to Howard, Jan 23, 1845

Jane Harlan received permission from Haveford College to post George's letter on the Harlan Family web site. Jane transcribed the original and made small alterations to make it more readable (like adding commas and semi-colons and modifying spellings that would confuse the reader).

Warren County, Ohio Jan 23, 1845

My Dear Son,

As you are all the correspondent that I have in the far west that appears to take sufficient notice of me, for the last 8 or 10 months to even inform me whether they are dead or alive or likely to die; but; I have two or three ways of accounting for their neglect, the first is they may possibly think they have nothing sufficiently interesting to write about, that would justify me in paying the postage; or they may think if they write and have nothing better to say than that we are all sick not one able to help another; and that provision is scarce and dear, and no money to buy with; Thank God for his mercy hoping that these few lines may find you in the same situation; but it is possible they may have the third reason, which is the most plausible and fashionable that could be given; and that is we are too Lazy to make such a sacrifice of our precious ease.

Your Mother still continues to improve in her health, and is gaining in flesh; and is fast filling up the wrinkles in her face, she can walk to the nigh neighbors and can ride comfortably to visit such as live more distant. She has an idea that she receives great benefit from it.

We have had so far one of the mildest winters I ever recollect seeing, we have had but little snow, none more than about two inches deep, very little rain; the roads have been good, compared with other winters and I never recollect passing one more agreeably, my health has been good; and if it was not for my long seated rheumatism that prevents my stirring out, I should be one of the happiest old fellows that lives in any country; but that prevents me from stirring out; but gives me but little pain while I sit or lie still; but the moment I rise to my feet that moment the pain attacks me. I am well waited on as I have had two little boys of the name of Slade come stay with me alternately through the winter; and finer little fellows need not be wished for they take care of our small stack, keep them in first rate order and do everything that is required of them with perfect cheerfulness. Their father is a blacksmith;has bought an acre from Geo. Cornel at the corner next to Smith; has got his shop up and is at work. He is the man that brought Enos Lackey before the Church for willful and deliberate lying: on an investigation the charges were pointedly proven by as respectable members as any in the church; but of all the gaffes that I have ever laid my hands on in Criminal Jurisprudence I have met with; but only one that runs exactly parallel with the present; and that was the celebrated case of a blacksmith who was tried and found guilty of horse stealing. Where the Court averted the Judgment, on the ground that there was but one Blacksmith in the place, and as the people could not do without one, the Court very wisely ordered the sentence to be executed on a Drunken Irishman; as it was impalpable to satisfy Justice without hanging somebody; so in the case in which Enos was concerned; the preacher and the committee, after prayerful investigation and laying the whole affair before the Lord came to the very wise conclusion that it was expedient to spread the broad mantle of Charity over the whole affair, for if Charity could cover a multitude of sins it could easily cover one bit of a lie; especially as Enos was clapleader and has two farms, and lives almost at the door of the Church house; and in addition to that he enjoys religion and could easily be heard pray half a mile and was not ashamed or afraid to pray anywhere even on the housetop or at the corner of the Street; and as for Groaning he was not to be beat by anyone in the whole Ohio Conference; but best of all he was most able and willing to pay quarterage both for himself and a large family and for these substantial reasons he was honorably acquitted, and a boy of 14 was turned out in his stead as the boy was thought to have no religion; for some time last spring the report said that he had been heard to say an evil word not comporting with religion for he had said Durn a pig that had crept into the garden.

You will no doubt be surprised when I tell you that notwithstanding the strong marks of wisdom, Justice and the expediency of the above decision there are some that think Enos ought to have been turned out of Church, others think that would have been too hard, as the Devil was more to blame, but that it would have been well enough to take his office from him and put him at the foot of the Clap, but the better informed think that it is best as it is, for if they were to turn all out who are sometimes under the necessity of telling a few lies for the sake of a trade, they would be obliged to lose some of their most pious members and some of their best and most zealous teachers.

As I have in a former letter said something about Symen Chase and his difficulty with a certain lady, he was married to her a few days ago by Ergen Dulap; but from who he borrowed or got the money to pay for the ceremony is yet unsure, he will now have nothing to do but nurse the baby, which it is likely he will do rather than starve, as he always had a mortal antipathy against hard work, for that never agreed with him.

I must also inform you that Miss Lyzzy Seegrave is in a fair way to get with Dr. Anderson. She charges him with being the Daddy of a baby that is pending. He, the Dr., does not seem proud of the honour she intends him, and would be glad she would confer the honour on the head of someone more deserving, but her Father will not consent as no other of her suitors is as able to pay as the Dr.; and tells me that if the Dr. will come forward like a man and pay up as a gentleman ought, he does not wish to be hard with him; but if he refuses to do so the law shall decide the matter and the Dr. shall be sent to the penitentiary for a rape as Liz will swear to that fact.

I may as well,while my hand is in talking about little babys, tell you that Delilah Stevenson (as old Tommy Aanet used to say) is in a terrible good way of having one in a short time. She is said to have been for a long time at a great loss to say who shall have the honor of being the father, that she was sure that somebody was; but cannot be positive whether it was Joshua Anderson, Mike Lay, Bill Grafley, Bill Harper or somebody else, and she being a conscientious member of church she was not willing to lay it to either least she might lay it to the wrong person: but since she has been told by the members of the church that it is wicked for widows to have children by married men, she it seems has come to the conclusion to lay it to Dr. A. Patton, yet she seems to be a little afraid that if she does the Dr. will insist on her marrying him, a thing which she has always refused to do, as she never could love him as well as she did some others, but it now appears that taking all circumstances into view she would be willing to marry him or almost anybody else that would take her and make an honest woman of her.

George Githem's daughter is lately married to a boy named Walker (of evils goose memory) and it is thought that he is the boy who got religion last night at Rohabath where there has been in progress a meeting since some time last week where they have four teachers and one of them is the son of John C. Murphey who it is said is a first rate hand to convert people. The others I am told employ their time in disclaiming against universalism, when if a fellow will come forward and say "I have always been a universalist, and it led me into all manner of sin but I now and forever renounce it as an absurdity so glaring and ridiculous that I never for one moment could believe it to be the truth." When that declaration is made there is nothing more to be done than to hand him over to the converting man who after wrestling a few minutes with the Lord in mighty prayer, pronounces the person soundly converted. I have room to say no more only that I wish to be remembered by the friends generally but in particularly to Mrs. Helvey whose happiness I have much at heart and hope always to hear that she is contented and happy all her days.

H. Harlan Geo. Harlan

I think in my last letter I informed you that Wm. Moore, the old side Baptist teacher, who has been preaching for the church in this neighborhood, has renounced the doctrine of that church, and joined himself to the Universalists, and is and has been preaching for them ever since; he now preaches once a month in Ridgeville to respectable Congregations. He is a man of strong logical powers and preaches that doctrine with as much energy as any man I ever heard. Indeed I know of no man who can go ahead of him in close Philosophical reasoning. He is certainly doing a good work for that society; and the other sects aware of it are doubling teams on him and would be glad how soon the Devil would take a fancy to him, and take him to himself; seeing that he is sure of him someday and the sooner he gets him the better. Our winter is remarkably healthy, no epidemics among us. Minerva Gleenan is supposed to have a cancer seated left between her eye and her ear that has caused great pain for the last month and is still growing worse. When you write again tell me what your prospects are for a living and all you know about Justin and Newton. And for your comfort I now tell you that I never lived happier or better than I do at present.

H. Harlan Geo. Harlan

Return address: Grandfather Harlan, Ridgeville, Ohio January 25, 1845

The letter was addressed to Howard Harlan, Marshall, Clark County, Illinois

Land Patents

Descriptions and Images of many original Land Patents can be found at the Bureau Of Land Management - General Land Office Records at

The Civil War Diary of Jacob Harlan

The Civil War Diary of Jacob Harlan of Company A, 123rd Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, Rewritten by his Daughter Armilda Harlan Reagan 6/21/1918 and transcribed by his great-great-great granddaughter Mary Ann Neal Bumgarner on 3/24/03

[Transcriber's Note: Every effort has been made to provide an accurate transcription. The original was peppered with misspellings, as are many documents of the period. Thus, this is a faithful reproduction of the original and no changes have been made.]

Jacob Harlan - (#5909.1) (1845-1928), his daughter Armilda Harlan Reagan (1866-1941), his Grand daughter Verdie Mae Reagan Hutchinson (1884-1941), Sarah Rader Harlan Jacob ’s mother. Wife of Nathan Harlan (#5909)The small child is Jacob's great grand daughter, Flossie Evelyn Hutchinson (1902-1979)---my Grandmother.
Oak Hill Cemetery, Lebanon, Indiana

Lebanon,Boone County,Indiana ~June 21st 1918

Jacob Harlan of Company A 123rd Regiment Indiana Volunteers Infrantry who volunteered Nov 9th 1863 under Irwin Robbins of Greensburg Indiana, Where we rendezvoused and recruited until March 9th 1864, when we were (the Regt) was mustered into the U-S-Service for 3 years or during the war. Then on March 18th, we started for the front leaveing Greensburg shortly after noon leaveing many sad hearts, arriveing the next morning at Louisville K Y early in the morning, where we stayed a few days and from there on the morning of the 27th of March we started on for the front arriveing at Nashville Tenn late in the evening, went in to camp just outside of the City. There was a detail made at once to go and bring rations from the commissary for the Reg. I was one of the detail and it fell to my lot to carry a box of crackers which was rather heavy for a boy and on the way back to the Reg,t I steped in a rut and fell hurting my back severely but finally got up and went on to the Reg,t, but began to get very sick from my injury that I had sustained from the fall, so mutch so that when the Company was called out for rol call as I was returning back just as I was entering in the tent I fainted and fell, the Reg,timental Doc was called and after a short time I revived but was very sick, and I with two or thre others was sent to a box car near by in charge of a detail to care for us through the night. Then from there the next morning we were sent to Hospital NO 19 Nashville Tenn. My injury brought on a very severe spell of pneumonia fever which was very severe so mutch so that my attending physician told me after I got up that he had but little hope for my recovery for about 3 or 4 days. I was kept confined insid the Hospital for about 18 days. Then in a short time I was put to work as a nurse in which capcity I worked only at sutch times as I was able to do so until May 17th but doring this time there was some kinde of heart trouble came up which was giving me considerable trouble but I thaught if I could get away from the Hospital out in the open are I would get better and at my request I was permited to go to the front by a board of Docters but objected to by the Doc, who cared for me through my sickness giving as his reason that I was suffering from some kinde of heart trouble and it was his opinion that the farther south I went the worse it would be for me but I told him I had lived on a farm all of my life and I thaught if I could get out in the opening I would get better. So I with hundreds of the others started, stoping over night at the Zolicoffer house in the City of Nashville where those gray-bk,s entertained us to a finish. Then in the morning we started for the front by way of Chatanooga Tenn, late in the evening where we staid all night waiting for daylight transportation, but I found myself suffering from the mumps so that I was compelled to report at the Hospital for treatment and I had them for shure but in about 15 days I began to feel alright so far as the mumps were concerned but my heart trouble was getting worse so I again started for the front thinking if I could get away from the Hospital I would get better. So on June 20th I started for my Reg,t but on account of the train being so heavily loaded I had to wait until the next day which was good for the squad I was going with as the bushwackers robed the train and swaped there rags for the Yanks good clothes but the squad that I went with the next day wasent bothered. Our squad got off of train at Big-shanty, just a few miles on out. The Reb,s were on Kenesaw Mountain and our troops were near the foot of the mountain and awful heavy cannonaiding going on from both sides.

June 22, 1864~

To day about noon I got to my regiment which belong to the 23rd army Corp, just in a very short time after I got to my Reg,t the whole core was ordered to fall in and immediately advanced on the Reb,s and formed in line of battle on the right of the 20th Core (Gen Hooker,s command) in the thick timber and not knowing that we were there until they ran into us and after a severe attact on us they fell back after seeing that they could not flank the 20th Corps. They reformed and made a direct actact 3 lines deep against the 20th Corp,s and was repulsed with a terable loss to the Reb,s with but small loss to the 20th as they were in there works, and where my Reg,t was and a few other Reg,s there was an opening in the timber and the 3rd Ind Battery was there in our front they used there battery in there flank doing grate damage to the enemy. This was my first engagement. We lay here until June 25th when we moved about ½ mile in front to the next breast works where we remained about 24 hours. June 26th ~ moved about ¼ mile further in front to support the front line. June 27th ~ moved about ½ mile to the left where there was a very heavy skirmish fighting most of the day the 123rd Reg,t lost 6 killed and 30 wounded. June 28th ~ still in same place until dark when we were sent back to the second line being about 15 rods. Neare midnight the Reb,s commenced a terable musket fireing that lasted quite awhile and we that were in the second line had taken off most of our clothing as this was the first opportunity we had had to do this for several nights and for quite awhile there was quite a scramble to get our cloths. But there was no damage done to amount to any thing but how the Reb,s yelled. June 29th ~ Still in same place until night when we were again moved up the front line where there was a sharp skirmishing going on all night with but little harm to us. June 30th~ Left the right and moved around abut 7 miles to the left and flanked the Reb,s and drove them about 5 miles, about 1 oclock the 129th Ind charged the enemy and drove them back some distance when the 123rd Ind again charged them driving them still farther back. We lost one killed and 3 wounded doring the day. July 1st ~ Lay in camp to day resting nothing of importance occurring. July 2nd ~ Still in camp at the same place; drew 3 days rations. Reb,s evacuated Kenesaw mountain to day. July 3rd ~ Marched in front about 1 mile and stayed there about 3 hours and went back to camp again; the Reb,s were driven out of Marietta, Ga to day looseing about 100 men as prisinors. July 4th ~ In our same camp until about 2 oclok when we marched out about 3 miles close to the Reb,s where we threw up breast works and doring this time there were heavy cannonaiding going on from both sides with but little damage from our side. July 5th ~ We charged the Reb last night drove them out of there works with but little loss to us. We left this position about 10 oclock went back about 1 mile drew 3 days rations and marched on back about 2 miles and went into camp for the night. July 6th ~ Left early this morning marched about 10 miles to the R-R got there about 12 oclock got dinner and are waiting further orders. July 7th ~ I was on gard to day at headquarters, we are at same place yet, the work train came down to day from Big-Shanty repairing the R-R for the first time since it came into our possession. Our whole corp that is in this department came up do day. July 8th ~ We got marching orders last night about 10 oclock to be ready to march at 4 oclock but did not start until about 5 ½ oclock when we moved towards the Chatahoocha river on the enemy left the distance being about 10 miles. There we put our pontoon bridges across the river just above the enemys works and while we were doing so the enemy was wonderfully engaged while we were crossing over on our pontoon bridges. After doing so they came down on the Reb skirmish line captureing the whole Reb line. My Reg,t was supporting our battery doing this engagement. July 9th ~ We are still in same position. Blackberrys are plentiful. July 10 ~ The boys went out forageing got considerable of fruit and some fresh port, it rained very hard to day for 3 or 4 hours. The fourth corp moved around to our left and camped for the night. Our army captured 100 prisners to day. July 11th ~Marching orders to day at 10 oclock but did not start until about 3 oclock when we crossed the Chatahoota river and commenced climeing a mountain of considerable size got to top of mountain about dark took position on the front line when Capt Swain of Co E was with his Comp, ordered out on the skirmish line. There was but little fireing on the lines to night. July 12 ~Still in same camp to day nothing of importance transpireing to day. July 13th ~ Received marching orders this morning to start at 5 oclock. Marched about 2 miles to the front where we were ordered to poliece our quarters. July 14th ~ We remained in camp to day, had orders to build bunks up off of the ground. Drew rations, drew flower for first time for a long time, received a letter from Eva Abbott, heavy rain storm, got very wet. July 15th ~ Still in same camp and I on gard, we ere signing role for clothing, and camp equipage, I drew one pare of pants one gun blanket and one tin cup. July 16th ~ Still in same camp, nothing of importance going on so fare as I know, looks very rainey. I had very bad spell to day but am better now. July 17th ~ We got marching orders this morning to be ready to march at 5 oclock but did not start until 9 oclock. We marched about 3 miles stoped and got dinner. When we marched out about 4 miles further stoped and went in to camp for the night with orders to be ready to march the next morning at 6 oclock. We were in camp about half way down the side of a very steep hill, and on down at the bottom of this deep hollow there was many springs with fine drinking water. I feel quite bad and week this evening. July 18th ~ We marched out early this morning went about 7 miles stoped and stayed all night with orders to be ready to march the next morning at 5 A M. Nothing of importance to day, except we got plenty of apples and blackberrys which was out of the ordinary. I was rear gard to day. July 19th ~ Marched out this morning about 7 oclock with our Brigade in front. About 10 oclock my Reg,t was thrown in front to support the skirmish line and when we were nearing the enemy who had taken a stand in Decature Ga, quite a nice little town about 7 miles from Atlanta we pushed on and capture the town my Reg,t being the first one in the place, it was then about 1 oclock. We stacked arms got dinner and went out in front to tear up the R-R. CO A was the farthest out and through carelessness of the officers I suppose they had not put out any pickets so that we were right next to the Reb. Saw one squad of pickets along down the R-R some little distance but thaught it was our pickets. Just about this time we saw a cavelryman ride up a short distance from us that we also took to be one of our cavelryman who shortly and leasurely rode away but in a very short time we found out that both of those partys were reb,s. We had also bin seeing for along time a steady line of troops crossing the R-R 70 or 80 rods just beyond those other fellow that we saw, and it had bin reported that the 14th ~ 15th and 16th corps had just come in and we supposed it was them and were takeing position on out in front. While this was going on I was detailed to take a lot of canteens to a nearby fine house and get some water and when I got back the boys took a drink and in the meantime we saw them seting a couple of cannon a straddle of each rail but did not notice which way they were turned but when they went off we found out. The boys were prying on a rail road bar and it broke loose and the boys fell to the ground and it missed them. I was standing in the middle of the track takeing a drink and the shells passed on each side of me. Had they not of cut there fuse to long it would of done bad work. We none of us waited to be told to get away but went back to town formed in line of battle at once moved out for an atact and our batterys opened up in full fury and against we got out to where thy were they had made a haisty retreat. By this time the 15th-16th and 17th corps came up and took our place. We moved out about 2 miles and went in to camp for the night. July 20th ~ Marched out this morning about 8 A M. Went about 4 miles our Reg,t was in front, about 3 P M my CO “A” was thrown out on the skirmishline and advanced on the reb,s through an awfull thick timber and under brush until we came up within a very short distance from them, so mutch so that we could here them cock there guns very plainly, here we were haulted and in a few moments the orders were given to rite about face to the rear 30 spaces march which was agreeable done but while we were doing this we were very fearful of being shot in the back but the reb,s never fired a shot. We then moved to the right about ¼ of a mile and staid there on the picket line all night. We could here the reb,s talking and shoveling dirt throwing up breast works on until about midnight when some reb officer yelled out attention battalion, he had an awfull voice, we could hear the regimental officers ordering there men to fall in line, which was done very rapidly, then this strong voiced fellow yelled out right about face forward march but for quite awhile we could not tell which away they were going but finally found out that they were leaveing. We (the skirmish line) were called in just at day brake then the whole line formed in line of battle and we moved out in front and when we came in about 10 or 12 rods of the reb,s breast works the small timer was cut down and we in plain view of there works not knowing whether there was any of them there yet or not, but we moved on very cauciously at a charge bayonet until we got up to the works and to our great joy found out that there wasent a reb there. We marched on in line of battle about 1 mile and commenced to throw up breast works but the reb,s shelled us so that we had orders to lay down and quit for the time being. From the 21st to 26th of July the records are broken on account of missing leaves which has bin lost. I have but little recollection of occurances doring that time except that on the 22nd Gen McPherson was killed, Who was in command of the 16th army Corp and was on the extreme left of our army and joined our Corp (23rd) immediately on our left. As I remember about 9 or 10 oclock Gen Hood who had just succeeded Gen Johnson as commander of the reb forces formed his army 3 lines deep against Gen McPhersons corp and charged against him and was repulsed with a terable slaughter of his men who then fell back and again reformed and made second charge receiveing same disastrious defeat. He again reformed his forces swung around to McPhersons left capturing his skirmish line rushed up on McPhersons rear and as they came up he was killed and the rebs rushed on up in the rear of our troops and as they came up one division of the 23rd core ran in to reinforce the reb,s rushed on up and took our ditches and our troops took the other side of the works. Both sides put on there bayonets but the reb,s had to retreat and our men after them in thease three engagements the reb,s lost very heavily. In the retreat our troops retook the Gen,ls body. Of all the noise I ever heard this beet it the smoke of battle rolled up as if the whole country was on fire, the noise was so grate that we had to hollow real loud to make each other hear, we were about 80 or 100 rods away. July 27th ~

Still in the same place today, heavy cannonaiding going on to day with but little loss to us. July 28th ~ To day my CO and CO K was sent out to stregthen the skirmish line, in the forenoon about 10 oclock this was done to make a faint to keep the reb,s from reenforcing on the right side of Atlanta, where our troops were going to make a charge on the reb,s but we were called back right away as the actact did not come off at his time; but about two P M we were again ordered to charge and the whole line started with a yell and the first volley fired by the reb,s a ball struck me on the left collar bone fractuering the bone considerable and disableed me for duty for quite awhile but I was permited at my earnest request to remain with the Regiment, there were two others wounded at the same time but no seriously. The line charged on out in a low like valley where they could not be hit and lay there until after dark when they were called back; the fight that took place on the right was victorious to our troops but with heavy loss to both sides. July 29th ~ Rite in our immediate front there is nothing of importance except considerable cheering over our victory yesterday, but to our right there is fearful cannonaiding from both sides. July 30th ~ Still in same position nothing of importance in our immediate front, but the heavy cannonaiding continues on the right but do not know the results; it is quite rainey, letter from Miss S-E-W. August 1 ~ We got orders to march to day but did not start until after dark, when we marched about 2 ½ miles to the right and stoped over night with orders to move next morning at 6 A M. Aug 2nd ~Left this morning at 7 A M, went to the right about 7 or 8 miles got there about 5 P M, camped there for the night with orders to throw up breast works for fear of an actact in the night. Aug 3rd – Got orders to march about two P M, went about 2 miles got into an engagement in which John Tremble of Co A was killed and 3 more wounded, here we threw up breast works; our troops made a successful charge on the left, loss to our men in killed and wounded 190/ Aug 4 ~ We are in front fighting going on all day along the lines, reb,s shelled us very heavy, One killed 4 wounded in my Reg,t. Wee are strenthening our works all day and night. Aug 5th ~ Shelling still going on some. The reb,s have cross fire on us with there cannon but on account of flanks but little loss. I was in one of those flanks when a shell struck it close to me and bursted and for a little while my head felt awful James C Burton of Co E was in another flank near me and a shell struck it and bursted and threw it down over him and I ran to him. He was trying to get out and I helped him out and asked him if he was hurt he said no but dogon the luck it filled his eyes full of dirt. Aug 6th ~ We got orders last night to be ready to march at 5 P M, went about 4 miles orders to unsling knapsacks ready for charge. Our lines made charge after charge until about 3 miles was covered, lost 5 killed 23 wounded in our Regt; Capt Swain of Co E was wounded also Capt Owen of Co G both men dyeing in short time from there wounds. I was not in this fight on account of my wound but was placed in charge of the knapsacks. In to days fight the reb,s made 3 charges in which they were repulsed and lost very heavily and were repulsed. Aug 7th ~ The Reg,t fell back last night about 4 miles after dark. Of al the traveling I ever saw this beat it, it was so awful dark and muddy and raining very hard. This morning the boys came up that gave out last night and I was one of them. We left again about 9 A M went about 2 miles and stoped for 5 or 6 hours, drew rations, got orders to move up as the reb,s were falling back, we went about one mile and went to throwing up breast works as a precaution of a rear attack by the reb,s, hard fighting all along the lines to day. Aug 8th ~ We are occupying our same works to day, we saw a large body of reb,s about 1 mile from us to day which raised quite a stir in camp for awhile, but our batterys were braught quickly and soon drove them back. We captured nearly all of there skirmish line. Aug 9th ~ Still in same camp nothing of importance going on; raining considerable to day. I wrote a letter to Fathers folks to day. Aug 10 ~ In same position, I was on picket, nothing of importance going on do day. Aug 11 ~ I got in off of picket this morning, the boys that had bin out forageing had come in loaded with a fine lot of forage sutch as apples peaches potatoes and all kindes of vegetables, nothing of importance going on to day. Aug 12 ~ In same camp yet, we are signing pay roles; no very hard fighting going on; Our division had orders last night to go out on a raid to the R-R but the orders were countermanded, and the 3rd Division went out about 2 miles and returned with out accomplishing mutch. Aug 13 ~ Got orders to march to the 3rd Brigade as ours the 4th was discontinued and we were assigned to the Third Brigade. We marched about ¼ of a mile to the left right on the front lines. There wasent mutch fighting going on, sharp shooters were getting in there work doing quite a good deal of harm in picking off our men for awhile. Aug 14 ~ Still in same position as yesterday, but little fighting going on outside of sharp shooters. Sargt, Ira F Coulson was killed about one oclock by a sharp shooter, was struck square in the head, we buried him back in the woods by the side of a wagon road as best we could about 3 P M. This makes 9 months for me in the army; there was about 500 reb,s came over to the 14th Corp and surrendered; there has bin quite a good many comeing over in the last few weeks, they say they are getting tired of there job and took this way to quit, Aug 15 ~ We are still in our same position, nothing of importance except one whole Reb Regiment came over and surrendered to my corp (23rd) I was on the skirmish line last night. Aug 16th ~ We are still in our same position, I was placed on watch post with Col McQuistans, large double field glass to watch the movements of the reb,s as it is thaught they are trying to make a flank movement on our right, by the aid of the glass I could see them moveing colum after colum to the right, (they were about 1 mile away from us but with the aid of the glass they did not seem to be more than 20 rods away). Our Cavelry sucsedded in cuting the reb,s R-R about 16 miles below here to day so that the looked for attack did not materialize. We are very buisy strengthing our breast works and fortifycations for fear of an actact. Ely Martin of my Com,p got his right forefinger shot off last night while on the skirmish line, with the exception of some skirmishing fighting there was nothing of importance going on. Aug 17 ~ Still in same place, nothing of importance going on. I wrote Fathers folks a letter, Maj Irwin Robbins and John Knox were sent to Hospital. Sy Knox (John and Sy both of my Co) was detailed for provost duty. We were paid to day I received $131.35. I sent $100 home to Father. Aug 18 ~ At same place, reb,s were shelling us some with but little harm there was one man killed on the skirmish line by the name of Devlin he was a member of Co C, 123rd Reg,t. The talk now is that our strong fortifycations are worthless, this isent the first time. Aug 19 ~ Still in same place except my Reg,t took the place of our own and two others who were detailed to go out on a scout. There was an awful fight around to our left do not know results. I wrote a letter to Uncle Peter Rader and Uncle George Overleese. Aug 20 ~ Those two Reg,ts that went out yesterday on a scout returned last night and we took our place again, and to day had to do the same thing again. Reports is that Atlanta has fallen into our hands, but we think it is doubtful. But little fighting to day. Aug 21 ~ Still in same place, nothing of importance going on except some little cannonadeing, received a letter from Father. Aug 22 ~ Still in same place, nothing of importance going on except some little cannonadeing. Aug 23 ~Still in the same position, our boys and the rebs have quite a time chating one an other. Three came over last night and surrendered, doring the time of chating each other they stacked arms and met half way, the reb,s traded our boys tobaco for coffee. Aug 24 ~ Our Reg,t went out on a forageing expedition got five loads of rather green corn but nothing else, I was almost entirely exausted when we returned. Just as we got back to our breast works the reb,s commenced to shell us and one man was killed while he was siting against a stump a peace of shell knocking the top of his head off. Seven in Comp,s F and E were wounded two mortally. Aug 25 ~ Yet in same camp, drew rations, rumer in camp that we will go on a 20 days raid and some think we will fall back. Aug 26 ~ The rumer that was in camp yesterday was faulse, nothing of importance to day except there was an awful hard rain. I was feeling real poorly to day my breast pained me verry bad and I have bin feeling worse for several days. Aug 27 ~ Got marching orders last night, moved back about half a mile to our former strong works we had thrown up several days ago. I am on the skirmish line, with the exception of some few cannon shots from the reb,s there was nothing of importance in our front, but heavy fireing on our left do not know results. Aug 28 ~ We evacuated our works to day about 2 P M. marched to the right about 5 miles got there about 9 oclock at night. The reb,s made a charge on the 20th corp and got severely repulsed lost about 300 prisners besides killed and wounded. Aug 29 ~ There is a general movement of the army to the right all day. We broke camp about 3 P M moved to the right about 3 miles went into camp for the night, we were garding the wagon trains. Aug 30 ~ Got marching orders this morning went as wagon gards for about 5 miles. We went into camp in a corn field with orders to move at 4 ½ oclock A M. Our rade so fare seems to be a success. Aug 31 ~ Still moveing to the right and rear of Atlanta to tear up R-R and stop the reb,s supplies to Atlanta.. Tore up about 7 miles of the first R-R and are now moveing on to the next R-R. Some fighting going on we are feeling very jubilent as to our success sofare. Sept 1st ~ Still on the march to the right, awful hard fighting going on, the reb,s are making every effort posible to save there R-Rs comeing into Atlanta but we now have them all in our possession and miles of them torn up. The reb,s at this point made 3 unsuccessful charges on the 15th corps with very heavy losses but failed to retake the R-Rs. I saw where the reb,s wounded had bin carried back to the field Hospital a stack of amputated legs and arms about 8 feet across and about as hight as a persons head, and hundreds of dead and dieing the wounded beging for water. To me this was awful. Near this point there was a heavy load of our prisners and munitions of war came dashing around a curve where there was an awful thicket of under brush. The R-R torn up on ahead for miles and thousands of our troops on each side of the road where the train had to stop which made over 500 union soldiers as happy as could be, they also kept the train. My feet feels as if they were perfectly raw, my breast pained me so I could hardly keep up. Sept 2nd ~ Are on the march again to day, tolerable hard fighting going on our men seems to be successful in every engagement, our boys are finding some forage and takeing care of it. Sept 3 ~ Got orders to march this morning, I was on videt post last night and late at night the reb,s were blowing up there magizenes and a lot of cars loaded wit6h munitions of war and so terable were the explosions and I not knowing what it was I began to think that there was a terable earth quake on and I was terable frightened out there by my self. I do not know just how fare I was from Atlanta but several miles. September 4th ~ and up the 6th my diary is lost. Sept 7 ~ Got orders to march this morning at 5 P M. Marched all day a distance of about 14 or 15 miles and went into camp for the night. No fighting going on. This campaign is thaught to be over, the roads are so very slipery from so mutch rain marching is very tiresome. Sept 8 ~ Orders to move at 7 oclock A M. We arrived at Decature, Ga, (this is the Decature we captured July 19) about 2 P M, distance about 10 miles; we got our mail for the first time since we started our raid. I got two letters one from Fathers folks and one from S E Wood. Sept 9th ~ We are in our same position nothing of importance going on. Sept 10th ~ In same place building breast works, forts and picket posts. Sept 11th ~ At same place, drew 5 days rations and are still working on our breast works. Near where we were building one of the forts was a large two story mansion and in the garden had bin buried a square box about 2 ½ or 3 foot long and about 12 x 14 inches square with small slat pen around it, we supposed it was some valuables buried there and that it was intended to make people think it was a childe buried there, but it was only buried about 2 ½ feet deep in square box so we concluded to investigate which we did and found a little negro baby in the box nicely dressed and we put it back just as nicely as we found it. When the whites returned they said the childe was scared to death when we first entered the town as we had a rather severe engagement close to the house but it hadent bin dead long enough for that. Sept 12th ~ In the same place; orders to get ready for brigade inspection. Sept 13th ~ The mail braught me 3 letters to day one from Joshua Harlan one from Aunt Bettie Overleese and one from Miss R J Baker. We had brigade inspection this evening. Sept 14th ~ Our Brigade went to Atlanta to day to see the City, we found a very nice city but terable torn up by shells during the fight, and for a long distance every way from where the arsenals were blown up every thing was blown to attoms hardly a blade of grass being left. We saw the stockade where the reb,s had kept our men as prisners our Lutenant Colonel Cullen said he spent a short time in that pen; we invested rather freely in sponge cakes and pies at 25 cts for each gut was mutch worse off after the eating than before, we wernt yoused to that kinde of food. Sept 15th ~ I was on picket to day, fine weather except nights are very cool for time of year. Sept 16th ~ Moved across the R-R and went into camp in a nice grove. Sept 17th ~ I got letter from Fathers folks containing ten postage stamps. Sept 18th ~ Still in camp, awful poor water and scarce, its very rainey to day. Sept 19th ~ Rules in camp; get up at day brake, roll call at sunrise, poliece the quarters and have breackfast over by 7 to 8 A M, then dressparade at 5 P M. We are making out our pay rolls. Sept 20th ~ Nothing of importance going on. Quite rainey. Sept 21st ~ Drew 5 days rations; I was on picket to day. Tolerable rainey to day. Sept 23rd – Received the glorious news of the greate victory of our army in Virginia. Sept 24th ~ More good news from Virginia, our army still victorious. The officers issued orders to day that there shall be no more gambling in camp. Sept 25th ~ Saboth to day and it seems more so than for a long time; meeting was held by the 27th K-Y. I attended the services. Oct 10th ~ Convalesent Camp Atlanta Ga. From the 25th of Sept to the 2nd of Oct were in our ould camp and as there was nothing of importance traspireing I did not keep a daly record. On the 3rd of Oct we got marching orders at about 10 oclock A M, those who were not able to march were sent on to Atlanta with the wagon train with orders to remain there until the Reg,t came up, the orders were countermanded and an order to march out on the Sandtown road. We who were not able to march were left at Atlanta Ga in the division Hospital and remained there 3 days then all who were able to go were sent on the front lines. We who could not go drew wedge tents polieced our quarters, the weather is quite cool but is turning warmer. The news came in last night that Richmond Va. Was taken. There was great cheering all along the lines all night. This comes up to the 10th of October. Oct 15 ~ Got orders to go to the Hospital and guard it through to the Corps this included all who were able to march. We left convalesent camp late the evening before. Oct 16th ~ Left Atlanta Ga about 12 oclock marched to the Chatahoocha bridge distance 9 miles. Oct 17 ~ Started at 7 30 A-M marched to Marietta got there at 1 P-M, distance 12 miles, left there at 2 ½ PM reached Bigchanta about night distance about six miles and went in to camp for the night. Oct 18 ~ Started early this morning marched to Acqua distance 6 miles, then to Allatoona distance 5 miles, got here at 12 oclock noon. Left here at 2 P-M got to Cartersville the next R-R station there went into camp for the night. Oct 19 ~ As I was quite poorly this morning I came to Kingston on the train distance 10 miles, this is the place we were first ordered to and to wait for further orders. The rebs fired on the Hospital train about 1 ½ miles from here and caused quite a little stir for awhile with but little damage. Oct 20th ~ We have bin laying here at this place all day except those who went out a forageing. Oct 21st ~ Moved early this morning arrived at Rome Ga at 4 ½ P-M, distance 18 miles. This is a very nice City for Ga. Oct 22nd ~ We moved over in town went in to a large house to stay until the Corps comes up or we hear where it is. There was 900 sacks of mail matter came up for distrabution. Oct 23rd ~ Still at same place yet to day; I went to hear a colored man preach to day at there church here in town, he preached quite an interesting discourse for a darky. At the close he announced his appointments for his full circuit. In the afternoon I attended church services at the Christian commission tent had a very nice service and they are generally very well attended., They were well dressed the women were all dressed in white nice and clean and oh my the splendid singing. Oct 24 ~ Our Corps, 23rd, and 16 and 17 were here to day to draw rations. The talk is that we will go to our Reg,t tomorrow and help gard the wagon train through. We drew 3 days rations. Our Hospital gards to gard the wagon train through. Our Hospital train gards was out to day forageing and got quite a good supply of potatoes and fresh pork, they were rather on the common scrub stile. Oct 25th ~ We left our quarters about day brake went across the river lay there until 2 P-M, then got marching orders, we went about 15 miles and went into camp for the night. Oct 26th ~ Left this morning at day brake got to Cederblough Alabama about 2 P-M, there we found our Reg,t. I got 3 letters one from

Miss S E Woods and 2 from Fathers folks. We are having fat living on sweet potatoes – punkins – and grated corn mush. Oct 27th ~ I was on picket to day, it was quite rainey the fore part of the day but cleared up in the evening, quite cool. Oct 28th ~ Received marching orders about 12 P-M but are here yet, we have orders to draw 60 days clothing. Oct 29th ~ Marched across the river last night about 9 oclock and went about one mile into camp until morning; then marched 17 miles went into camp for the night with orders to move at 6 A-M. Oct 30 ~ We moved out at daybrake marched all day, came through Cave City about noon. Oct 31st ~ We left here early this morning for Chatanooga Tenn. We marched some 20 miles went into camp for the night. Nov 1st ~ On the march again started before daylight, marched until about 2 P-M when we arrived at Resacka Ga. There we got orders for all to take the train except the 3rd brigade. I was detailed to gard the wagon train and ambulance train. All of the sick of the 3rd Brigade were to take the train for Chatanooga. Nov 2nd ~ We got here last night about 2 oclock and have bin laying around waiting for the rest of the Division to come up. We are in the soldiers home here at Chatanooga Tenn. Nov 3rd ~ Are still in the same place, there is a grate many sick and wounded here waiting for transportation to Nashville Tenn. Cold rainey weather. Nov 4th ~ I am still here, got transportation to Nashville Tenn, but the train was loded so that I could not go. Nov 5th ~ I left Chatanooga at 1 ½ P-M for Nashville Tenn. The reg,t got here a little while before I left. Nov 6th ~ I got here to the Cumberlain General Hospital this morning about 10 oclock. Nov 7th ~ I am still at same place; nothing of importance going on. Nov 8th ~ This is election day, every thing quiet, nearly all for Abraham. (From the 8th to the 13th I kept no record) Nov 14th ~ I left here this morning for to go north to Jeffersonville Ind, arriveing about 7 oclock at night and was put in Joe Holt Hospital and from there to Madison Ind Hospital, Sec 3 Ward 6, suffering from valvular disease of heart and dysentery, attended by Doc Bosworth. Father and Mother came to see me Dec 15th and returned home Dec 17th 1864. Jan 7th I was sent to convalescent camp for light duty. Feb 1st I drew two months pay and on the 28th received 20 days furlow to go home, and returned to Hospital March 10th 1865. About March 15th or 20th I was sent to the Hospital for treatment of sore eyes, was in Sec 2 Ward 8, under the care of Doctor Jos. H. Rodgers. May 1st I was examined by a board of Docters and ordered to be discharged, but on account of the close of the war I was discharged by general order from the war department. (The application for discharge no having bin acted on as yet) on the 26th day of June 1865.

Jacob Harlan, Company A 123rd Regiment

Indiana Volunteers Infantry

P-S. Late in the evening after I had received my discharge I took pasage on steam boat for Lauranceburg Indiana, where I arrived about 11 oclock P-M and as I could not get a train to Greensburg Indiana where I wanted off until early next morning I put up at a hotel until morning. I got to my station about 10 oclock came up in town and saw one of my ould neighbors and asked him if I could ride out with him and he said yes I guess so and I saw that he did not regonise me for a while then he saw who it was and could hardly get done apolagiseing for his coolness toward me. When in about 1/2 mile of home the road that took me home left his road and he was going to take me on home but I requested him to not do so as I wanted to fool the folks, so when I got close to the house my 3rd sister Sarah saw me ad broke for the house hollowing and crying at the top of her voice Mamma Mamma Jacob,s comeing Jacob,s comeing and out came the hole famly and Mamma was the first to get to me and grabed me in her arms tears running down her cheeks and said Jacob have you come to stay. I said yes Mamma I am now a citizen, she said Oh I am so glad, and just about this time the ould dinner bell began to wring and kept it up for a long time and it wasent supper time for quite awhile but Pap and the boys were out on the farm at work and they were there in a very short time to see what in the world was the matter. So there were grate rejoiceing in the famly (but this was only one of thousands of others) the near neighbors was soon in to see what the ringing of the dinner bell ment so they joined in too with them in there rejoiceing.

July 18, 1918

George (#180) Harlan's Will

Submitted by Jean Miller Jacoby

During my recent visit to the Records Department of the Warren County, Ohio Administration Building, the Last Will and Testament of George Harlan (#180) was found. The original will was dated January 10, 1819 and named his son George Harlan (#672) as Executor. His will was recorded and filed on August 7, 1821 and George Harlan (#672) was sworn in as executor in open court on that date.

This Historical Document provides verification that George Harlan (#180) was a resident of Warren County, Ohio at the time of his death in 1821.

Letters from John Harlan

I have just started to look over the Harlan family page. I included two letters passed down from my grandmother on my mother's side. I am doing genealogy research, as time allows. If you know where James or his sisters/brothers are buried I would be interested, or if he made it thru the Civil War. I hope everyone finds the letters useful.

Letter February 18, 1863 p.1

Letter February 18, 1863 p.3 & 4

Letter July 8, 1964

On the back of the photo is hand written 'uncle Samuel Harlan'