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By Ray, Melba & C. J. King
After Quaker Services in Richmond, Indiana - July 9
Ninety-four Harlans and friends met in Richmond for the July 2000
Indiana Harlan Reunion. They learned about their Quaker heritage,
visited Harlan graves and as usual, talked and ate a lot!
Decorating the front of the meeting hall at Norwich Center Lodge was the large blue Harlan Reunion banner seen at the national reunion in Iowa in 1997, to which Sue Harlan had added �Indiana� and �July 8, 2000.� Alongside it was Mary Ann Harlan�s commemorative quilt, with pictures from Mount Pleasant, which she won in a raffle at the 1997 reunion. The Saturday program told the story of the Quakers and their migration to Indiana, some of whom were Harlans who settled in or near Richmond. Thomas Hamm, archivist of the Friends Collection at Earlham College in Richmond, was the speaker. He told about George Fox, who founded the Society after a series of revelations about inner light. He described some of the strict rules of conduct by which Quakers were expected to live. He talked about historical records available for genealogical research into our Quaker ancestors. Quaker graveyards frequently lack headstones or have headstones with very little information, so Quaker histories and periodicals from the individual societies are very helpful sources.
The reunion program also included the reading of a grandfather�s
memoirs, Denver Harlan�s by Jim Harlan, both of Richmond. Harlans
also toured a house owned by Levi Coffin, one of a number of Quakers
who sheltered runaway slaves as part of the �underground railroad,�
and the small community church and cemetery at Bethel, whose pioneer
settlers included many Harlans.
Nine children attended the kids� program led by
Diana Wells. They displayed some of their family history posters
In the display room different Harlan cousins displayed information from their genealogical research, and Sue and Jim Harlan manned the �store� with shirts, jackets and other Harlan items. Overnight guests stayed at the Norwich Center Lodge or a nearby motel. Meals together Friday and Saturday nights rounded out the reunion activity. Junior Harlan of Arizona announced the dates of June 28-30 for the 2002 national reunion. Members of the national Harlan Family board met at Richmond during the weekend to discuss the national reunion plans. Thirty relatives from the reunion attended a Sunday worship service at the Friends Meeting in Richmond and led the congregation in singing the Harlan family�s song, �A Family of Friends�, composed by Becky Gaskill and introduced at Celebration 300 in 1987. ![]() Jack Harlan treating visitors to rides in his Model A |
CASH IN SAVINGS ACCOUNT 2/1/00 | $8,421.40 |
Contributions | 865.00 |
Harlan History Book Sales | 1,500.00 |
Interest Earned (Savings Account) | 72.79 |
Harlan Store Percentage |
Book Storage, Insurance, Shipping | 437.39 |
Newsletter Printing/ Mailing |
Chester Co. (PA) Historical Society | 100.00 |
NET INCOME | $1,060.05 |
CASH IN SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 9/1/2000 | $ 9,481.45 |
This newsletter is published semi-annually by The Harlan Family in America, a permanent organization established to document the historical contributions made by Harlans in America. Stories, photos, and other information submitted for publication should be sent to The Harlan Family in America, P.O. Box 1654, Independence, MO 64055.
through 9/1/00
In Memory of ....
Doris Harlan Owen
by her sister, Betty Harlan Rice (MD)
Matthew Harlan
by his granddaughter, Ruth Harlan Hoaglin (IA)
AL -
AR - CA - GA - IA - IN - MI - MO - NJ - NY - OK - OR - SC - TN - TX - VA - WA - |
Mary Ann Harlan Graeve
Joseph & Martha Lowder Ronald J. Griffith Belva Miller Ogren Ruth Harlan Hoaglin Mary V. Harlan Charles R. Gallaher Dorothy & Norman Harlan Elizabeth Harlan Sly David A. Robertson Patricia McCurdy Dale M. Harlan David S. Feron Beth S. Moses, The Sadler Family (Bill S. Moses) Clinton F. Cross Louis R. Harlan, Max B. Harlan, Jean H. Simmons Elva Harlan Mote |
At the July 8 Harlan Family Board meeting in Richmond, Indiana, two Pennsylvania Harlan members accepted the role of co-coordinators of the 2002 national reunion. Mary Harlan Murphy of Wayne, and Robert A. (Bob) Harlan of Greensburg are already making inquiries and gathering information. Be sure to read the form on page 9 of this newsletter. You may be able to help!
July, 1997
Two tapes packaged in a case imprinted with a collage of newspaper
articles about Celebration 310 in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Available for
$50 from:
of The Harlan Family
compiled by Alpheus Harlan, 1914
Descendants of Aaron & Elizabeth (Stuart) Harlan �Texas Red Books� Approximately 2,300 pages with over 10,000 of their descendants, Published 1991 $50 per set, postpaid Order from: Marc Smith P.O. Box 9701 Ft. Worth, TX 76147 |
Or a cap.....or a jacket.? How about a Harlan specialty item such as a
totebag, a lapel pin or a mug?
These are described and priced on the Harlan Web site
under �The Store�, and they may be obtained by
contacting Harlan�s Stitchery by Sue, at 17617 N. 33rd Way, Phoenix,
AZ. 85032-2077. Sue and Jim Harlan, owners, will send brochures and price
lists upon request.
Ten per cent of sales go into the treasury of The Harlan Family in America, and the latest commission paid was $159.65. If you would like to order some Harlan items for Christmas, order them by November 15, and they will be shipped by December 10.
At the Harlan Family Board Meeting in Chadds Ford, PA, held in October, 1999, the editorship of The Harlan Record was an issue. When former editors Tom and Marylee Harlan stepped down, four Harlans stepped forward with offers to help. The idea of using an editorial board was discussed and agreed upon, and the following have volunteered to help put together future issues of The Harlan Record. (Ideas from ALL readers are welcome.)
C. J. King, Editor, Jamaica, VT
C. J. grew up in Indiana and received her B.A. in journalism from Ball State University. She has been a professional writer and editor for more than 20 years. In 1995 she earned an M.F.A. in writing from the University of Massachusetts.
She teaches English composition, other writing courses and literature for the Community College of Vermont. She taught oral history methods and interviewing techniques to sixth and seventh graders in southern Vermont last spring, and she hopes to continue that project.
She writes and publishes on a wide-range of subjects, including biography, arts, and history. She has written a book about the radical acts of the Lincoln women, which is seeking a publisher.
C. J. was first introduced to family history with a tale from her father�s side, about a kind man who saved an ancestor from suicide. In college, she studied about the Harlans�her mother�s side�in a class on family and social history. She learned more while researching her book and by attending Indiana reunions and the Iowa reunion in 1997.
Ed Wynn, Contributing Editor, Las Vegas, NV
Ed was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1934, the youngest child of Harold R. Wynn and Anna Rebecca Harlan. He served in the Navy during the Korean War, then spent nine years with the National Security (NSA) and Central Intelligence (CIA) Agencies. He graduated from American University in Washington, DC.
For the past 30+ years he has been involved in new home sales. Currently he owns and operates GENESIS New Home Sales Training, Inc., and travels the country conducting training seminars and consulting with home builders.
He and his wife, the former Rosemarie Pedoto, attended the Harlan Reunion in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
His area of expertise is the Harlan men in the Civil War. He wrote a story for the Harlan Family Web site entitled �The Harlan Ghosts of Gettysburg.� He has been compiling a book called �The Final Muster, The Harlan Men in the Civil War.� He has identified about 600 Yanks and 200 Rebels to date, and he says, �It is going to be a forever job to get all their records.�
Diana Harlan Wells, Contributing Editor, Atlanta, IN
Diana attended Lincoln Christian College and finished her degree at Hamilton University.
�I have always worked with children and young adults,� she says. She
home-schools her daughter, Dawn, and has researched the home schooling
phenomenon. She also has organized children�s programs for Indiana Harlan
At a ladies tea for Civil War Days in Atlanta, Indiana, Diana played Senator Harlan�s wife, Ann Eliza (Peck) Harlan, reading letters written to her daughter, Mary. Written by one of Mary�s girl-friends, they are high-spirited and full of teasing remarks about the President�s son and Mary�s other beaux.
�My grandmother Mimi (Helen Harlan) was always interested in the family history and encouraged me to start researching more of our family line. Then I was hooked. I have researched and compiled four family histories,� Diana explains.
Her great interest at the moment is exploring online sources for genealogists and helping put databases online for everyone to use.
John L. Harlan, of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, has also offered to
contribute to future issues.
In 1997, The Harlan Family in America made a generous donation toward a study for renovating the Harlan-Lincoln Home in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Located on the Iowa Wesleyan College campus, the home was owned first by James Harlan, an early president at the college, a U.S. Senator, and a friend of and cabinet member for President Abraham Lincoln.
The daughter of James Harlan married Robert Todd Lincoln, and their children spent numerous summers at this home. It now serves as a museum for Harlan and Lincoln artifacts.
The renovation costs are estimated at $650,000. Some grant money may become available but contributions to preserve this piece of Harlan-Lincoln history are needed. Contributions will be tax deductible.
For more information contact Lynn Ellsworth at the college�1-800-582-2383.
Checks may be made payable to Iowa Wesleyan College; designate the
Harlan-Lincoln Home Renovation Project.
Mail to: Iowa Wesleyan College
601 N. Main St.
Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641
Family members attending the Indiana Harlan Reunion in July collected $223
toward the renovation of the Harlan-Lincoln Home.
Those of us who work on the Harlan Web site try to keep it fresh and
alive. A few months ago we added a new section entitled �Historical Harlan
Documents.� We have two documents so far that should be of interest to
of us.
The first document was obtained through the efforts of William Marion Harlan (MO) and Arthur Chapman (Portadown, Northern Ireland) and is the original hand-written copy of the marriage certificate of George Harland #3 and Elizabeth Duck.
The second document pertains to a William Harlan and was scanned from an old book which has been passed down through generations. It starts with William Harlan (#474) and his son, David Kimbrough Harlan (#1732) who purchased the book for $6.00 in 1841. We�ve heard that copies of this document, which is on parchment paper, are very vivid.
If you have copies of Harlan documents of the past that might be of
interest and wish to share them, send them by either of these methods: 1)
scan the page, upload it with an e-mail, and send to
[email protected] or
2) if you do not have a scanner, mail a copy of the material to
Larry Harlan, 6158 Mill Run Road, Monticello, MN 55362-3611.
Please do not send the original as we cannot be responsible for its safety. Include a short paragraph describing the significance of the document and tying, wherever possible, to the person�s number in the Green Book.
�Larry Harlan
Harlan Web Site Coordinator
In the first and last paragraphs of George (#3) and Elizabeth Harland�s
marriage certificate, the correct spelling of the parish is �Skankill�.
�Submitted by Dan Harlan
General Brings Honor to Harlan Name
by Ed Wynn ([email protected])
When Emory Brooks Harlan (#4775) was born on December 16, 1837, as the eighth of Enoch W. Harlan (#1730) and Lucinda Buck�s ten children, there was no indication that he would become the highest-ranking officer among the hundreds of Harlans who would serve on both sides during the Civil War.
Emory was born in Wilmington, Adams Township, Ohio. On December 31, 1861, shortly after the beginning of hostilities, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in Company D of the 49th Illinois Infantry. He was mustered into service at Camp Butler, Illinois, when he was 24.
Col. William R Morrison commanded his Regiment. On February 3, 1862, the Regiment was ordered to Cairo, Illinois. On the 8th, it moved to Fort Henry where it was signed into the 3rd Brigade, McClernand�s Division. On February 14th, Emory�s unit engaged the enemy at Fort Donelson, Tennessee, lost 14 men killed in action, and had 37 wounded.
Emory evidently took to the military life quickly. On March 22, 1862, he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and left his unit to assume his duties as Acting Adjutant General on the staff of Brigadier General Hugh Boyle Ewing.
Taking time away from his duties, he was married to Mary Crundwell on July 4, 1864, in Marion County, Illinois, by the Reverend T. F. Kouts. A Certificate of Record of Marriage was filed by Mary on October 25, 1883, in connection with her Widow�s Pension Application.
On November 12 of that same year the bridegroom was advanced to the rank of Captain and designated as the Assistant Adjutant General of U. S. Volunteers on the staff of Major General John M. Palmer in the Army of Cumberland.
On March 13, 1865. shortly before the Confederate surrender at Appomattox, Virginia, he was appointed Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers for �meritorious services during the war.� Two months later his first son, Emory C. Harlan, was born (June 9, 1865) in Springfield, Illinois where the family had established its home.
In addition to young Emory, he and Mary had three other sons: Paul P. Harlan (May 17, 1870); Edgar Harlan (January 18, 1872); and Brooks E. Harlan (November 11, 1875), all of whom were born in Springfield.
General Emory B. Harlan died on November 20, 1875, in Springfield, just ten years after the end of the Civil War, one month short of his 38th birthday.
Mary�s Pension Application states that he �died of disease contracted in
the service of his country.� This disease was identified in the Pension
Application as �Chronic Diarrhea.� Thus a humbling disease which felled
thousands of Union and Confederate troops, including many of Emory�s
cousins, took the life of the Harlan family�s highest ranking Civil War
officer, long after the war had ended.
At the Indiana Reunion, a United States map was posted with several places
marked that bear the Harlan name. We found a few. If you know of a Harlan
landmark, county, town, etc., let us know so we can add them to our
If you know how they got their names, send that information also. Reply to The Harlan Family in America. (See address in column one on page two or e-mail Ruth Harlan Lamb at [email protected]
Genealogy Research on the Internet
by Diana Harlan Wells
[email protected]
One of my favorite times is late at night when the house is quiet and I can research genealogy on the Internet. The databases and Web sites that are online are exciting to use. I like many different sites; some are paid and others are free. I would like to share three of the free sites that I use.
The Church of the Latter Day Saints (LDS) site, http://www.familysearch.org has their Ancestral file, International Genealogical Index (IGI), and Pedigree Resource files online. The LDS search engine also searches the Internet for family name Web sites, by last name only.
I use the LDS site to see what other family researchers have discovered. Recently, I found a marriage record for one of my ancestral lines. I checked out the information with other sources, and it was accurate. The site is a great help if you need a name, date, event, state or country supplied. It is plain fun to surf through the records.
Be careful, though, as the LDS church does not take responsibility for the information donated, so as always, double-check your sources.
Rootsweb at http://www.rootsweb.com is a great site. It has several different features, but one of the best is the mailing list for queries and information. I subscribe to several lists, which can be sorted by name, topic or state. I like the Harlan family mailing list.
The List owner is the moderator of the list. To receive the Harlan mailing
list queries, type
[email protected] in the address line and then type
subscribe in the subject and body of the message. I have found some
cousins, family lines and yes, even errors, through the lists. People
are usually great on the lists, very helpful and
free with their information.
I think this is a great genealogical tool; the only drawback can be the massive amounts of e-mail you receive. I love e-mail, so it�s great fun for me.
Genforum is a message-board based genealogical tool. Its address
Genforum has family names, topic, county and state forums. If
Genforum does not have the message forum you need, you can request one.
You can post a query or answer a query.
Genforum has one search engine for all of the forums, then each forum has its own search engine. I have used both searches and found them helpful. The best feature about Genforum is that when someone replies to one of your postings or queries, Genforum sends you an e-mail so you know you have had a reply. I have found this helpful, as I do not have to keep going back to the site day after day.
The Harlan Forum is fun. I go to see what family cousins need help with
their genealogy. Check it out!
The Internet Explosion of online data is great. Do not be afraid;
just point, click and go!
#s indicate ancestor and page in Alpheus Harlan�s book, The History and Genealogy of the Harlan Family.
#32, p. 964 - James Harlan. Spouse - Mercy McCarty
Contributed by Karen Haskett
#34, p. 15 - Mary Harlan. Spouse - John Cox
Second Child - * Naomi (Eamey/Amy)
Contributed by Thomas Rosenberger
* Book shows name as Eamey.
Third Child - Dinah
Contributed by Evan O�Hare
Sixth Child - *Mary
Contributed by Lee Bain
* Mary not listed in book
Seventh Child - *Solomon
Contributed by William Langston
* Solomon not listed in book
#108, p. 27 - Abigail Gregg. Spouse *George Sharp
Contributed by Phil Zimmerman
* Book shows ____ Sharp.
#121, p. 75 - Ellis Harlan. Spouse - *Catharine
Kingfisher Walker
Contributed by Ed Wynn
* Book shows Catharine
#155, p.33 - Samuel Hollingsworth. Spouse - (1)
Elizabeth -----
Third Child - Abraham Hollingsworth
Contributed by R. W. Evans
Eighth Child - Malviney (Malona) Hollingsworth
Contributed by Gwen Goff Hobbs
#497f, p.75 - Ezekiel Harlan. Spouse - Hannah Lewis
Contributed by Pat McCurdy
#544, p. 203 - Hannah Harlan. Spouse - Isaiah Meredith
Contributed by Carol Goff
#800, p. 257 - Jacob Harlan. Spouse - Sarah Combs
Contributed by Judy Bates
#851, p. 276 - Samuel Harlan. Spouse - (1) Malinda
Matinlee (2) Elizabeth Adney
Contributed by Herb Dyer
#852, p. 276 - George Harlan. Spouse - (1) Elizabeth
Duncan (2) Catherine (Fowler) Hargrave
Contributed by Steve Harrison
#1648, p. 178 - Elizabeth Robbins. Spouse - James
Contributed by Ed Wynn
#1966, p. 204 - Lydia Harlan Meredith. Spouse - Abraham Jones
Contributed by Jon Harlan Wilson
#1965, p. 203 - Elizabeth Kirk Meredith. Spouse - John
Contributed by Carol Goff
#1968, p. 464 - John Harlan Meredith. Spouse - Mary Ann
Contributed by Carol Goff
#2299, p. 518 - Jane Harlan. Spouse - John Washington
Whitford, Sr.
Contributed by John Davis
#2338, p. 528 - Mary Ann Harlan. Spouse - Albert
Contributed by Glen
A. Rodman
#2740, p. 616 - Stephen Combs Harlan. Spouse - (1) Mary
Bybee (2) Alvira J. Harlan (#2735)
Contributed by Judy Bates
#2796, p. 261 - Joel Wright Harland. Spouse - (1)
Jeannette Sly (2) Rachel Crosley
Contributed by Phyllis A. Harland
#2913, p. 651 - Rachel Ann Cassandra Harlan. Spouse - James
Contributed by John V. Kieffer
#2984, p. 661 - Jacob Wright Harlan. Spouse - Ann Eliza
Contributed by Herb Dyer
# 2995, p. 662 - Elisha Harlan. Spouse - *Lucy Irene
Contributed by Steve Harrison
* Book has Lucy Horbaugh.
#4589, p. 393 - Carpenter Marsh Harlan. Spouse - (1)Sarah A.
(2)*Gertrude Crumbaugh
* Gertrude is not listed in book.
Contributed by Ed Wynn
#4934, p. 424 - Josephine Harlan. Spouse - Edgar
Lewis West
Contributed by Louise R. Vann
#5919, p. 894 - Joshua P. Harlan. Spouse - Rebecca
Luzena Johnson
Second Child - Arthur Brooks Harlan. Spouse - (1) *Matilda Jane
Marsh (2) **Mary Ann Craig Chew
* Book shows Matilda Jane Mash **
Book shows Mary Chew
Contributed by Mary Ann Estep
#6913, p. 617 - Elizabeth Harlan. Spouse - Lewis
Contributed by Judy Bates
#7445, p. 662 - Jerome John Harlan. Spouse - Eba
by Steve Harrison
#7446, p. 662 - *Lydia Irene Harlan. Spouse - John
Quincy Hancock
Contributed by Steve Harrison
Book shows Irene Lydia
#7447, p. 662 - Leroy Elisha Harlan. Spouse - *Ada
Elizabeth Harrison
* Book shows Ada E. Gordon
Contributed by Steve Harrison
#7448, p. 662 - *Aleda Georgie Harlan. Spouse -
Josephus Sherrill
by Steve Harrison
* Book shows Aleda Georgia
#688, P226 - Samuel Harlan. Spouse: *Nancy
*A correction was submitted and listed in
February 2000 Harlan Record with the name change of Nancy Fitzpatrick to
Nancy Kirkpatrick. Since that issue, Frank Corum has advised us that
the name is Nancy Fitzpatrick, not Kirkpatrick. The name change
could not be confirmed by the previous contributor.
Answering the Call:
Harlan Connection to Phone Company Spans Four Generations
By Judy Hruska: New Castle (PA) News
(Reprinted with permission)
NEW CASTLE, PA�The phone company and the Harlan family have a long distance relationship�one covering four generations.
It started June 17, 1929, when David F. Harlan was hired as a transmission man for American Telephone and Telegraph, now known as AT&T. �There were only about two people with phones in Harlansburg then,� said the 92-year-old native of Harlansburg who now lives at Jameson Place on Wilmington Road. �Of course, there was also one in each store.�
Jonathan Harlan, of whom David is a direct descendant, laid out the village of Harlansburg in 1800. He built the first house and operated a grist mill east of the village, according to the Lawrence County Historical Society.
David measured volume levels and performed other duties with co-workers for more than 43 years until retiring on July 31, 1972. He recalled a time when a telegraph was used to communicate between cities. During World War II, he was sent to Washington D.C., while the Pentagon was under construction. There, he worked on the telegraph.
At times, David allowed his son, Fred, to visit him at work at the then-AT&T facility in Union Township. The youngster would watch the teletype in action. When Fred graduated from high school, David used his connections to land his son a job.
�The morning after the all-night party, I woke up and Dad left me a note to go to AT&T and see someone. I was a temporary employee for summer. At end of summer, they put me on full time,� recalled Fred, 65, of the East Side.
He began as a splicer�s helper and then advanced to lineman, pole inspector and desk man. However, when the office position became automated, the pay dropped and Fred returned outside to work as a repairman. He retired in October, 1995, after more than 42 years of service.
�It was a good job. Some of the best times were when we went out on ice storms and things like that,� he recalled. �We traveled to New England, Maryland and Rhode Island during the �50s.
�For the first so many years, they used to ship us out of town quite a bit. Later, manpower was cut down so much, there weren�t enough men to send out of town.�
As his father before him, Fred allowed his son, Scott, to tag along on the job. �I remember when I was little, my father would get called in the middle of the night because phone lines would go down during a storm or something,� said Scott, 40, of Slippery Rock Township. �Occasionally, he would let me go out with him. He�d climb the pole and work on the line, and I would stand on the ground and hold the light.�
Scott eventually answered the phone company�s call, too. After working for Westinghouse Electric in Baltimore, Scott returned to the area in 1988. Fred informed him that the cellular phone business was in its infancy and the job market was wide open.
�The cellular business was just starting to grow at that time,� Scott recalled. �In 1984 Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems originally started a cellular business in Pittsburgh.�
Beginning as a customer service representative, Scott rose to the rank of system performance engineer. �Our job is to optimize the cellular system,� he explained. �My van is equipped with test equipment, cellular phones and laptop computers, all used to test the signal and optimize the system. Occasionally, we get customers who call and say their cellular phone doesn�t work well on a certain stretch of highway. I go out there and drive that area and collect data.�
Another of Fred�s children, Sharon Ross, and his grand-daughter, April Ross, work as communications assistants at the AT&T Relay Center in the Cascade Galleria. �I was very excited to follow in my father�s and grandfather�s footsteps into the telephone business,� said Sharon, 43, of Hickory Township. �It�s about the best job you can find.�
While the communications field has witnessed continual growth and changes, the Harlan family has remained a constant in the telephone industry.
The Harlan Family in America Needs Your Support To maintain our Harlan Family Association and to provide for the up-front costs of our 2002 national reunion, monetary contributions of any amount are needed. Our organization does not require dues�rather it is supported by donations from interested Harlan family members to whom we express our appreciation for past assistance. In addition to Reunion expenses, the Association is making an effort to reach additional descendants of George, Michael and Thomas Harland, over and above the number on our current mailing list of 1,300+ names. We believe all of our Harlan cousins have a right to know about our family�s proud heritage, and plans have been made to send an introductory brochure and newsletter to several hundred additional Harlan descendants.
Please consider making a contribution to help with these
New members of the Club�90 years of age or older
EVA HANSON HARLAN, born February 13, 1899, in West Manayunk,
Philadelphia, PA, married George
Felton Harlan, b. 1896, son of William E. Harlan #4596 in
Roxborough, Philadelphia, PA, in 1917. He passed away in 1953. They had
two children, George Jr., deceased, and Gladys Harlan Ditchfield of
Newark, DE. Eva is in a nursing home in Wyndmoor, PA. She attended the
1987 reunion in New Castle, DE. Her father-in-law, William E. Harlan,
descends from George Harlan # 3.
ALMA LORRAINE HARLAN CHRISTY, born July 9, 1902, in Huntington, WV, stills resides there. Her husband was Herbert Robinson. Her father was Thomas Harlan, b. March 10, 1847, in Tennessee. Her mother was Victory Belle Reese, b. January 21, 1859, in Lawrence County, Ohio. Her children are Janice Robinson, b.1921, and Dorothy (Dottie) Robinson, b. 1923.
KATHLEEN HARLAN DEAN, born September 15, 1910, in Huntington,
WV, and still resides there. Her
husband was Lyell Fitch Dean, b. June 11, 1910, d. June 13, 1978.
Her father was Clyde Thomas Harlan, b. May 12, 1881, in Lawrence County,
Ohio, d. January 28, 1970 in Huntington, WV. Her mother was Grace Newman,
b. September 20, 1883, in Wayne County, WV, d. May 9, 1965, in Huntington.
Her children
are Anita Anne Dean, b. September 16, 1932, and Nancy Kay Dean, b.
February 4, 1944.
JEWELL VIVIAN HARLAND, born May 5, 1910, in Bowie County, Texas. Her father was Stephan Parker Harland, b. August 14, 1880, d. March 6, 1950. Her grandfather was Elias Franklin Harland, b. 1852. Her great-grandfather was Samuel Harland, b.1809.
We certainly welcome these four ladies to the NINETY-PLUS CLUB! The other
members� names and relations are listed in our Web site. This brings the
roster up to 22 members! Congratulations to you all! If you are or
have the name of a Harlan cousin who has reached the 90-year mark, send
the name to Larry Harlan, 6158 River Mill Road, Monticello, MN, 55362 or
e-mail him at [email protected] .
Notes and Inquiries
Send replies to Editor so information may be shared:
[email protected]
Subject: George Harlan
I keep hearing about the document that George signed for William
Penn. Does anyone have a copy of it? George was a signer of the Great
Charter. I want to find out more.
�Sara Jo Reynolds Plant City, FL
Subject: Early Harlan Records
I am still searching for copies of the early Harlan Record. I
searched the St. Louis Genweb area and the site said to contact an agency
in Columbia, MO, about newspapers. I just sent them a letter.
The librarian in Madison, Ill., searched their archives but could find nothing on John Harlan or the Harlan Record. Wild, considering he lived there and was the editor.
I have queries out on the Madison County, IL, and St. Louis Genweb
projects, the Harlan List at rootsweb and on the MO list itself. I will
let you all know if I hear of anything.
�Di Wells, Atlanta, IN
[email protected]
Saturday, July 8, was the beautiful, sunny summer day that we had hoped for as our Harlan family reunion began. It was held in the home of Pat and Larry Huff in Damascus, Maryland, and co-hosted by Pat Huff and her cousin Claudia Steigler.
Four generations were represented�from age 82 to one year old. Geographically we came from Maryland, Virginia, Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, Massachusetts, Ohio, Texas, Indiana and New York. We were welcomed by John Barrows who photographed each individual or family as they arrived. Joy abounded as the house and yard filled with aunts, uncles and cousins until those in attendance numbered 48.
The Huffs� dining room table was loaded with food for our mid-afternoon meal. As we filled our plates, our attention was drawn to a display on the buffet of some photographs of our ancestors and a newly compiled Family Tree that had been neatly organized by computer.
The remainder of the afternoon was filled with sharing family news and photographs, fun in the outdoor swimming pool and the downstairs� pool table. We ended the day with a group picture taken by our own family�s photographer, Kenneth Harlan Owen.
We are delighted to announce that during the month that has passed since the reunion, our numbers have increased by two! Anna Grace was born July 14, and Kaelyn Maree arrived July 31.
This was our third reunion. The first was in 1980 at Tuckahoe State Park on Maryland�s Eastern Shore, and the second was held in 1990 at Woodside United Methodist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland.
�Submitted by Betty Harlan Rice
Betty Harris from Muncie, Indiana, recently won first, second and third
places in social issues categories for the statewide competition of the
Women�s Press Club of Indiana. Betty is a freelance writer. Betty�s mother
was Mary Harlan Clayton of Troy, MO. She descends from Joseph Jerome
Harlan #10394.
As many of you know, recent national Harlan celebrations were held in 1987 and 1997. By popular request, another reunion is being planned for June 28-30, 2002, in the Brandywine Valley area in Pennsylvania. You can help! Your suggestions for activities and workshops: Volunteers are needed for planning the event and at the event. If you can help, what is your preference? _____Registration ______Hospitality ______Displays _____Workshops _____Program _____Activities ______Children�s Activities _____Publicity ______Promotion ______Music ______Worship Service Other (specify)____________________________________________________________________
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Please respond by November 15, 2000 to:
Mailing List
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Record, and other Harlan-related material to those interested in the
organization and its mission.
If you do not wish to receive mailings of The Harlan Record and future reunion notices, kindly return this form to The Harlan Family in America P. O. Box 1654 - Independence, MO 64055
or e-mail your request for discontinuation to Ruth Harlan Lamb at
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