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The Harlan Record is an annual newsletter published for the Harlan Family in America. Subscriptions are free but we are totally dependant on donations to pay the expenses. To be placed on the mailing list either write to the Harlan Record at PO Box 667, Belfair, WA 98528-0667 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send any donations to John R. Harlan, 422 Aumond Rd., Augusta, GA 30909. Interesting stories about noteable Harlans are always welcome at the PO Box listed above.
Over 500 Harlans gathered in Mt. Pleasant Iowa over the 4th of July weekend, 1997, to celebrate their heritage. Harlans came from all corners of the country to get reaquainted with family members they had met at the 300th reunion, to meet new Harlans and to share a special time with their immediate families. The citizens of Mt. Pleasant welcomed the Harlan family which has significant history in this small Iowa town. Even the weather was great.
The Saturday evening program was the main gathering of the clan. After everyone had found seats in the bleachers and filled up on a delicious box supper, the program began promptly at 6:30. Bob Harlan (CA) was the emcee for this varied and enjoyable entertainment.
The musical numbers ranged from toe tapping to sentimental. First up was Rebecca Harlan to sing a Song of Unity by Jack Castle. Later in the program she gave a spine tingling rendition of "Summertime" from Porgy and Bess, accompanied by Faith Harlan (IN). Calvin Harlan (TN) brought great fun and got the audience foot stomping, clapping and whooping it up with his great bluegrass mandolin playing. His numbers included the "Eighth of January" and The Flop Eared Mule, an Irish reel. Heather Hinkton (IN), performed an Irish dance to this last tune. Ellis Harlan, at age 89, the oldest man in attendance, was the special hit of the evening. He brought cheers and a standing ovation when he played his mouth harp to "Ocean Waves" and "Home Sweet Home" and wowed us with his
amazing memory as he recited a fun poem he learned in the sixth grade naming all 99 counties in Iowa. What a memory! Jane Harlan (WI) a 2nd cousin 4 times removed of Senator Harlan, played a rousing flute salute to our country in a medley of patriotic songs called "An American Pride". She was accompanied by Faith Harlan (IN). The final musical number was the Harlan Family Choir performing "Family of Friends" and then leading the entire family in "Let There Be Peace on Earth".
The history of the Harlan family was recounted by Louis Harlan, (MD) as he read a paper he wrote, "The Harlan Family in America: A Brief History", documenting the highlights of the Harlan family from the immigration of George and Michael to the present day. A part of that history then came to life as Joe Mauck, a former professor and administrator at IWC performed a one-man show as Senator James Harlan. This was the first performance in this format, as Mauck pretended that he was being interviewed and in responding to questions, he provided information about Harlan's life - the triumphs as well as some sadness. Included were information on Harlan's childhood in Indiana, his schooling, family life, rise in politics, relationship with President Lincoln, and impact on Mt. Pleasant and IWC. Mauck was dressed in the traditional late 1800's attire and wore a classic white beard. In appearance and speech he captured a sense of the senator's dynamic persona.
A slate of new officers and Board of Directors was presented at a meeting on July 5 and approved by acclamation. We are fortunate to have Dan Harlan at the helm as President. Dan, as most of you know, is the instigator of our renewed family organization. He lives now in High Rolls, NM. Vice-President, Bob Harlan is the son of Ridge Harlan, the Chairman of this reunion. We are familiar with Bob's voice as the emcee during the reunion. John R. Harlan agreed to stay on as Secretary/Treasurer. The Board of Directors is made up of a number of people who worked hard on either the 300th or the 310th and have a good feel for what the Harlan Family association is all about. They include: Tom Harlan, (WA), Ridge Harlan, (MT), Ruth Harlan Lamb, (MO); Junior Harlan, (AZ) and Gerry
Harlan Lungren (IA). The Harlan Record will continue to be published by Tom and Marylee Harlan (WA). The Regional Coordinators roles were discontinued.
Registration Fees, Meals, Tickets, etc. | $18,424.75 |
Contributions | 11,424.75 |
Harlan Book Sales | 2,250.00 |
Video Sales | 1,960.00 |
TOTAL INCOME | $34,493.37 |
Printing & Postage 1996 | 1,270.75 |
Printing & Postage 1997 | 1,107.97 |
Equipment Rental | 616.76 |
Meal Vendors | 15,125.83 |
Video (Initial Cost) | 1,350.00 |
Video(Deferred Cost) | 4,024.00 |
Facility Rental | 1,423.50 |
Tour Buses | 400.00 |
Ticketed Activities & Camping | 2,664.00 |
Entertainment | 400.00 |
Insurance (Liability) | 397.80 |
Restoration Harlan-Lincoln Home | 2,500.00 |
Quilt, Newspaper | 452.50 |
Other Books (Deferred Cost) | 320.00 |
TOTAL EXPENSES | $32,191.11 |
SURPLUS | $ 2,302.26 |
The Board of Directors has assigned themselves the task of developing a mission statement for the Harlan Family in America organization in order to clearly express our purpose. If you have ideas you would like to see incorporated in such a document, please send them to Ridge Harlan, PO Box 3258, Carefree, AZ 85377.
Please remember that it is your donations that keep us going as an organization and allow us to print the Harlan Record and to make contributions to projects like the restoration of the Harlan House in Mt. Pleasant. If you enjoy the newsletter and support our family activities, please send a contribution to John R. Harlan, 422 Aumond St., Augusta, GA 30909. If you wish to make a donation in memory or honor of someone, just indicate that it is a donation to the Remembrance Fund.
By the time you receive this newsletter the beginnings of a Harlan Home Page will be accessible on the world wide web (www). For those of you who have computer access to the web, check out www.harlanfamily.org. The family thanks Jonathan Harlan (TN) for contributing the registration and establishment of this site. A committee had been formed to work on the further
development of the information that will be posted here. If you have ideas and would like to work on this project, please contact Laurence Harlan (MN), at [email protected]. (If you are reading this you have found the family web site.)
The hospitality center provided the main gathering area for the family. Here one could find conversation, refreshments and a wealth of information about Harlans. Around the room, there were displays on such subjects as previous Harlan reunions going back to 1887; pictures from tours to Harlan historical sites in England and Ireland, references about Sutton Hall and Lurgan Meeting; genealogy tools and references provided by Darlene Norman, Sara Jo Reynolds, Elizabeth Sly and others; book sales by Louis Harlan including his "All at Sea", WW II memoir, Janice Mikesell's family memoir; Becky Gaskill's sheet music and tapes of "A Family of Friends"; and information about Mt. Pleasant and things to do in Iowa. It was in this room that
everyone registered and picked up their packets of information and name tags. Across the hall, Jim and Sue Harlan (AZ) had Harlan memorabilia for sale. They quickly sold out all sweat shirts since the weather this weekend was much cooler than expected. Unfortunately their box of golf and ball caps was sent to Kentucky. See the Sale notices for information on ordering your hat now. Down the hall Marjory Harlan Sgroi ran video tapes of our tour to England and a history of Monkwearmouth. She also gave out information on future tours. But the most important activity at the hospitality center was the meeting of new friends and relations and the reunion with those we already knew.
The town of Mt. Pleasant went out of its way to make all Harlans feel at home. Every sign board and message sign said, Welcome Harlan Family Reunion. The service organizations, churches and local businesses all supported our get together in various ways. They included us in their 4th of July celebration where we were able to enjoy free entertainment and a spectacular fireworks display. They opened their McMillan Park facilities where we rode the old steam train on the Midwest Central Railroad. When we tired of the train we moved to the old fashioned street cars. The Midwest Old Settlers and Threshers Association opened their facilities for us. Here we enjoyed attractions ranging from displays of steam engines and
agricultural exhibits to interpretive historical exhibits and the unique Museum of Repertoire Americana, containing memorabilia of early theatre. The Old Threshers also provided access to their large 60-acre campground. In addition to sharing the 4th of July festivities, the community was invited to meet the Harlans at a special luncheon in Central Park on July 5. The daily newspaper, the Mt. Pleasant News gave front page coverage to the Harlan reunion on at least three days and published a special insert as a guide to the reunion activities and the community 4th of July celebration.
There are several Harlan historical sites in Mt. Pleasant and on Saturday, the family took bus tours around the town to see their name on various markers. The most significant stop was the Harlan Home on the Iowa Wesleyan campus. This house was built in 1876 but was attached to a structure in the rear built in 1854. The rear structure was demolished in 1931. The house was the retirement home of the Harlan family from 1876 - 1899. Ann Harlan died in 1884 and James died in 1899. Mrs. Robert Todd Lincoln (Mary Harlan) gave the home to Iowa Wesleyan College in 1907. The home is now filled with many artifacts and memorabilia of both the Harlan and Lincoln families. Because the house is badly in need of repairs, the Harlan family took up a special collection
and donated $2500 to fund a feasibility study which will enable the college to apply for grants to help fund the restoration of this historical site. Harlan Hotel-Apartments. Located just a block north of the Mt. Pleasant square, the center section of this building with the mansard roof was constructed by James Harlan in 1857. It served as the family home until Harlan completed his service as a U.S. Senator. Records show that Senator Harlan made additional purchases ofland surrounding his residence in 1863 and 1864. Gas fixtures were installed in 1873 and additions, at a cost of $2500, were made in February 1875. Upon retirement from the Senate, he moved to the Harlan house on the IWC campus. He later moved back to the Hotel when his daughter and son-in-law used the campus home as a part time residence. The downtown brick
house was inherited by his daughter, Mrs. Robert Todd Lincoln but passed out of the family on April 8, 1901 by sale to George E. Smith. Harlan School: The Harlan ElementarySchool was opened in 1956 as the second school constructed under the post World War II school building program. Lincoln school, first used in 1950 was named for the Civil War president. Harlan Street: This street is located in north Mt. Pleasant. Harlan Marker in Central Park: As part of a state-wide historical project, the State Historical Society of Iowa placed the marker in 1979 to recognize the service of Senator James Harlan. Camp Harlan Marker: Across the road from the Mt. Pleasant Golf & Country Club is a boulder marking the location of Camp Harlan. The camp was a mustering site for the Fourth Iowa Volunteer Cavalry in September of 1861 and the 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry about six months later. The camp was named for Senator Harlan, who had used his influence in Washington, D.C., to have Mt. Pleasant as the site of a military training camp. The marker was dedicated on June 30,
1930 by the Daughters of Union Veterans. Harlan Family Lot in Forest Home Cemetery. Burial site of Senator James Harlan and his immediate family.
A good-sized reunion within The Reunion took place in Mt. Pleasant over the Fourth of July weekend. Twelve first cousins -- the grandchildren of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harlan of Salisbury, MO -- and their families comprised the largest family group at the Celebration 310 Reunion -- at total of 45. The cousins, who live from coast to coast, are the children of siblings Wayne, Louis, Bill and Dell Harlan and Naomi Harlan Robertson. Present at the Reunion were Virginia Harlan Hess (MO),Ruth Harlan Lamb (MO), Bill Harlan ((AZ), Connie Harlan Ward (OH), Bob Harlan (PA), Robert Harlan McKaig (NC), David Robertson (NY), Sarah Robertson Surratt (GA), Elizabeth Harlan Prasad, (CA), Mary Ann Harlan Graeve (AL), Dorothy Harlan Sperry (IA), and Theresa
Harlan Holmes (IA). There were 6 spouses in the group plus 17 children and spouses, and 9 grandchildren. In addition, Willene Harlan (OH), the mother of Connie, Bob and Roberta, was present, and there were 4 guests with the family, including 15-year-old Julien Renaud from France, making a grand total of 49 in the group. Nine-week-old Kyle Houts of Windsor, MO was the youngest male descendant of George (#3) at Celebration 310.
As collected and announced by Dr. John Harlan (AZ)
Rebecca (Becky) Gaskill put together a musical program for this reunion that all agreed was outstanding. Starting with a family sing-along at our 4th of July dinner and continuing to the closing of church services on Sunday, the family was blessed to have Becky's leadership and talents. Becky comes from a musical family. Her mother, Mary J. Harlan Gaskill, played piano and sang alto. Her father, Joe Gaskill, who has written many news stories about our Harlan gatherings, sang tenor and played the trumpet. Add a brother David (the photographer) as baritone, sister, Jeanne Esce as first soprano and Becky as second soprano and that family made music. When they moved to Bloomington, Indiana the family got involved with music at Indiana University's renowned
School of Music. David, Jeanne and Becky toured with the singing Hoosiers. Jeanne and Becky were chosen to sing with the group when still in high school, having been taught voice by the magical Bess Krueger whose husband George had started the Hoosiers. While with the group, Becky toured the country and got to perform with Pete Fountain, Al Hirt, Bob Hope, Hoagy Charmichael, Duke Ellington and many others. After college she continued performing in stock companies doing musical theater and appearing with (among others) Richard Kiley, Joel Grey, Sid Caesar, and Robert Merrill. While doing club work in Louisville, KY, Becky had the honor of singing for Baryshnikov and Neil Simon. In 1986, Unity School of Christianity published
a children's tape, "Believing in Yourself" written and performed by Becky and song writing partner Jill Stevens. Becky has a regular job as a teacher and also has served as soloist and song leader at Unity of Louisville. She has a new record deal with Avion Records to do a recording of standards, jazz and blues. Becky gave her special thanks to all the individual performers plus the thirty some talented singers in the choir. Thanks also to those not mentioned elsewhere including Ted Rohrback (MO) who helped with the choir and Shannon Maxwell (IN) who helped as assistant conductor and general helper.
The Harlans that came to Mt. Pleasant this year came not only to have fun and meet new friends and relatives, but also to learn. Attendance at the five genealogy workshops ranged from 50 to 150. All the sessions were held on the IWC campus in the Science Hall. Gene Harlan (IN) organized the workshops and arranged for people to conduct the following topics. "Genealogy for Beginners" "Getting Started" "Getting the Kids Interested". Gene Harlan (IN) kicked off this program and Earl Harlan (OH), Thelma Sappington (MO), Marjory Sgroi (NY), Liz and Bob Sly (NJ), and Norman Hoffman (MO) made great contributions. "How to use computers, email, internet, etc. for Genealogical Research." Larry Harlan (MN) moderated with Bob and Liz Sly (NJ), Pat McCurdy (OK), Marjory Sgroi (NY),
giving good help and advice. The first session on Saturday morning brought in Sara Jo Reynolds (FL) and Eleanor Shuler (MS) for a lively discussion on "Research Through the D.A.R." The next session was the block buster with a full house in Science Hall. Lynn Ellsworth of IWC and C.J. King (VT) kept the audience highly interested and very still as they talked about the "Harlan-Lincoln Connection" and the "Trials and Tribulations of the Lincoln Women." During the last session, a smaller but eager group discussed the "How-To's of preparing your own Genealogy Book". Gene Harlan (IN) led off and called on David Harlan, Thelma Sappington (MO), and Janice Mikesell (SD) to help out. The workshops were considered an important part of the total reunion program.
Over 100 people attended the reunion workshop entitled - "The Harlan-Lincoln Connection - the Lincoln Women" held on Saturday morning, July 5, to learn about this subject from Lynn Ellsworth, Iowa Wesleyan College archivist, and C.J. King, a Harlan family member from Vermont who is currently writing a book and about the Harlan-Lincoln women.
Ellsworth donned a black shawl and spoke in first person, as if she were Mary Harlan Lincoln, daughter of Senator James and Ann Eliza Peck Harlan, and daughter-in-law of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln. She told about Mary's upbringing in Mount Pleasant, nicknamed "the Athens of Iowa" because of the college there, which provided a classical education for both men and women by the 1850's.
Mary Harlan was one of few women of her time who attended college. She studied music, and it is said that she played the harp "divinely". Mary was well-schooled in the social graces and fulfilled her traditional role as wife of Robert Todd Lincoln and mother to their three children. At the time of her marriage, she was said to be a woman of striking beauty and though there are very few photographs of her, pictures of her daughters support that description. Her progressive beliefs are evident in one reception she held in the Harlan homestead in honor of her two daughters, where dancing was allowed in spite of a prohibition by the Methodist college trustees. Her father had been president of the college, as well as a senator from Iowa.
The family had its share of upheavals: the insanity trial and confinement of Robert's mother, a very public elopement by one daughter to a man the family did not like, the death of their only son at the age of 17. They loved their connection to Mount Pleasant, finding it a very restful locale, and also loved spending summers at the family estate in southern Vermont.
C.J. King concentrated her talk on Peggy Beckwith, Mary and Robert Lincoln's granddaughter, who pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable for women before the word feminism even existed. She learned to fly and owned several airplanes in the early 1930's; she was a painter and sculptor; she ran a successful dairy farm; and she was highly indulgent of animals. Her favorites were her dogs and the pair of baby raccoons she took in when their mother disappeared. She gave the coons their own room and didn+t care a bit that they tore out light switches, scratched up the room+s fine woodwork, and turned on water faucets, causing minor floods.
Hildene, the family estate in Vermont, is organizing a symposium on the Lincoln women to be held in Manchester, Vermont, August 20-22, 1998. That is the 100th anniversary of Peggy Beckwith's birth. She died in 1975. Hildene opened to the public a few years later, offering tours in memory of the Harlan-Lincoln family.
For more information on the symposium, write to C.J. King, P.O .Box 10 Bondville, VT 95340 (email: [email protected]), or to Hildene at P.O. Box 377, Manchester, VT 05254.
If you would like to support the symposium but are unable to attend, donations would be most welcome. You can also support Hildene by joining the Friends of Hildene. Write to the same address.
Situated on the campus of Iowa Wesleyan College in Mt.Pleasant is "Old Main", a fine old 3-story brick building with a gold dome. It was the realization of a dream of the new college president, lawyer, and educator, James Harlan, who arrived in Mt. Pleasant in 1853. On January 21, 1869, in the music room of Main Hall, seven friends, IWC women students -- organized the P.E.O. sisterhood in a simple ceremony. Today that organization has over a quarter of a million members in some 5,000 chapters in the U.S., Canada and around the world. The sisterhood's purpose is to provide educational opportunities through scholarships, grants and loans (now totaling over 70 million dollars) to American and foreign students. They also own and operate Cottey College in Nevada, Missouri. James
Harlan's granddaughters, Mary (better known as Mamie) and Jessie Lincoln, were initiated in Chapter Original A in Mt. Pleasant in the early years of the organization, providing a link between P.E.O. and the Harlan-Lincoln family of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Although P.E.O. headquarters are now in Des Moines, IWC has allocated half of the second floor of Old Main -- including the room where P.E.O. was founded -- to the sisterhood. The rooms are maintained as a memorial to the founders. Local P.E.O. members provided tours of the rooms for interested Harlans, some of whom are members, who attended the 1997 Harlan Family Reunion.
The call to worship began with the plaintive tones of the the bagpipes as David Harlan (AZ) played "Amazing Grace". Connie Harlan Ward (OH) gave the Welcome and the service was led by three Harlan clergy, the Reverends Dan Harlan, Lowell Harlan, and Raymond King.
Lowell reminded us that one of the reasons that George and Michael Harlan came to this country was to be able to worship God as they understood He should be worshipped. They believed that God dealt with each person directly. They had no clergy, no creed, no liturgy. Their worship was characterized by sincerity, silence, and simplicity. It was in silence that they could hear the Holy Spirit giving direction for their lives. Lowell then led the family in a series of silences, a form of worship modeled after the silent worship service practiced by George and Michael. In reverent and expectant silence we
listened to see if we could hear the still small voice. (I Kings 19:11-12). We reflected on what it is to be still and know that He is God. (Psalms 46:10). We were silent and worshipped Him in spirit, as our Quaker forebears did. (John 4:24).
Dan Harlan shared some stones (mementos that were important in his life) to illustrate his message. These included a piece of petrified wood from Alaska where he served on mission with the Methodist Church, a piece of anthracite coal from the ocean floor near the spot where the Titanic sank, and a rock from the grounds of St. Peter's Church, Monkwearmouth. Memory stones like these are symbols of our lives. They mark milestones in our individual and collective history. He reminded us that this
weekend we celebrated our nation's rite of passage from colony to political independence. Likewise, the crossing of the Jordon was, for the emerging Israelite nation, a major step toward their own new day in history. And now we commemorate a third rite of passage - that crossing of the Atlantic more than three centuries ago -- which became the Jordon of our Quaker ancestors, who left the old world so that they, too, might have religious freedom. Family, Nationhood, and God: these are inseparable values. We honor each this Fourth of July Sunday.
One of the highlights of the service was the musical program. The Harlan Family choir provided a beautiful, rich, balanced sound that moved listeners both at the previous evenings gathering and during the Sunday morning service. Sunday's musical numbers included the Shaker song "Simple Gifts" and "Surely the Presence", both familiar songs to many denominations and a "Family of Friends". This talented assembly came from as far away as Vermont to the east and California to the west. The musical program was enhanced as Sarah Surrat (GA) played a beautiful prelude and offertory on the organ and Faith Harlan (IN) provided piano accompaniment for the choir.
Raymond King gave an appropriate Irish Blessing for the benediction. The offering was given to the Presbyterian Church to show our appreciation for their hospitality in letting us use their facilities throughout our reunion time together. As we filed out of the sanctuary David Harlan piped "Danny Boy" and "Going' Home".
Successful reunions such as the one we experienced this summer, don't just happen. They take a lot of work and planning. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the contributions made by many of our family members who worked behind the scenes to make this such a memorable event. Coordinator Ridge Harlan who insured that all the parts came together at the right time. Junior Harlan (AZ) as Associate Coordinator, was everywhere doing all those things that most of us never think of nor stop to appreciate. Dolores Harlan Burger (MO) organized a smoothly running hospitality center. Pat McCurdy produced the name tags. Dorothy Harlan Sperry was responsible for the food service. Dr. John Harlan (AZ) was the program chairman and insured the appropriate
information was communicated or collected. The mailings, duplication, and registration were accurate due to the efforts of Ruth Harlan Lamb. Virginia Harlan Hess contributed in so many ways, including the many displays in the hospitality center. Thanks also to Harriet Harlan and Gerry Harlan Lundgren for their help on the tours, lodging, children's activities. Thanks to the many who worked at the registration and sales tables and those who made sure there was always a pot of coffee, a pitcher of lemonade and a plate of cookies. Special recognition also goes to those who are Harlan's by choice, who contribute to the strengthening of the Harlan gene pool, and who worked a a variety of tasks to support this reunion - the spouses - to name a few, Marjory, Annette, Bob, Dorothy, Carrie, Marylee, Sue, Ginny, Cindy, Gene, and Skip. Our apologies to those whose names we have missed - your contributions are equally appreciated.
A personalized and handmade Harlan quilt containing a picture of Senator Harlan and the Harlan crest and logo was raffled off to raise money for the next Harlan reunion. Holly Harlan (CA) and Robyn Harlan (CA), Ridge Harlan's daughter and daughter-in-law, were the primary ticket sellers and they were everywhere, hawking their tickets at six for $5 or thirteen for $10 or one for $1. The suspense built as Harlan's bought tickets before they had even seen the quilt. The quilt arrived Friday evening and spurred additional sales. The drawing was held at the Saturday evening program. Amanda Dugan, daughter of Terry and Cindy (IL) and Julie Boyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Boyle (CA) and a descendant of the
sister of Senator Harlan, did the honors by drawing the winning ticket. Amanda and Julie are now ten years old and both were present at celebration 300 in New Castle, DE. Everyone was pleased when Mary Ann Harlan (wife of Dan Harlan, AZ) discovered she had the winning ticket. Mary Ann promised that the quilt will make an appearance at future Harlan reunions.
At the Reunion, brochures were distributed for two Harlan Family trips planned to the British Isles in 1998. The first, April 6 through April 20 is the same trip as conducted in 1994 and 1995, visiting London, York, Sutton Hall, All Hallows Church, the Sunday services in Monkwearmouth's St. Peter's Church, with an optional trip to the Quaker Meeting House in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, plus lots of other British sightseeing. The second trip in planned from September 22 through October 3. This is a new trip, starting in Scotland, traveling south through Yorkshire, stopping for Sunday Service in Monkwearmouth, before traveling into Wales for a few days and then the Cotswolds before ending in London. If you have any interest in
participating in either of these trips, please call Marjory Harlan Sgroi on 1-800-785-7785 as soon as possible for a brochure and further information. Space is limited and sign-up for the April trip is by September 15. The previous trips received excellent reviews from all those (over 50 travelers) who attended the Reunion.
The following family members contributed to the reunion fund and were inadvertantly omitted from the list in the reunion program or their contribution was received after the program was printed but prior to the reunion:
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